Ep# 172: Why Dieting Causes Binge Eating

Ep# 172: Why Dieting Causes Binge Eating
Coffee With Dr. Kashey
Ep# 172: Why Dieting Causes Binge Eating

Mar 22 2024 | 00:09:44

Episode 170 March 22, 2024 00:09:44

Show Notes

Dr. Kashey takes a detour from his usual series to address a pressing question posed by one of the TKN’s kickstart challengers, Carrie. He tackles the common dilemma of finding satisfying substitutes for foods we crave. He cautions against restricting yourself from what you truly enjoy, as that often backfires into bingeing later. Instead, Dr. Kashey advocates an exploratory mindset of trying higher quality options you may genuinely like more on their own merits, not just as stand-ins. With humor and color, he outlines why we dislike “diet” versions - not for their actual taste, but for failing to perfectly replicate what we think we must have. The key is enjoying substitutions for what they are, not resenting them for what they aren’t. 

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